Applying for Medicaid/Medicare

Let Us Help You Apply for Medicaid or Medicare

If you need help applying for Medicaid or Medicare, as the case may be, you can trust us at Tanana & Sons to help you out. For any reason you are unable to apply by yourself, you can count on us as your backbone and mouthpiece to communicate with the appropriate agencies. 

With our highly professional and qualified team of staff, rest assured that every process, documentation and meeting will go seemingly smooth while keeping you informed and involved, if you wish.

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Let’s Help You Deal with the Jargons

No doubt, it’s a tasking process, and a daunting task negotiating with government agencies. The process can be especially tiresome if you have a medical condition that impairs your movement, vision or hearing. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through all that stress when we can help you deal with all the jargons involved. All you need to do is kick back, relax and wait for our return from the negotiation with the government agencies. 

We can help you fill out all the required forms, submit them to the appropriate quarters, at the appropriate time, while ensuring to follow up until everything is settled. As a matter of fact, using our services is much more like doing it yourself, with a notch of professionalism and experience.

What are Medicaid and Medicare?

Medicare is a government health insurance scheme for persons who are 65 years of age or older, as well as those people under 65 who have specific health conditions, while Medicaid is a program jointly handled by the federal and state governments to provide health insurance for some low income individuals, as well as individuals with low resources. 

Pregnant women alongside children and people with disabilities may also be beneficiaries of special Medicaid and Medicare programs.

Eligibility Requirements for Medicaid/Medicare

For an individual to qualify for either Medicaid or Medicare, such an individual:

  • Must be a U.S. citizen (in most cases).
  • Must be legally residing in the state in which they apply.
  • Must have their Social Security Number (SSN), or must have applied for one prior to the time of application.

There are various ways you can find out if you qualify for Medicaid or Medicare. Some ways include:

  • The official MiBridges website
  • The official website of Current Poverty Guidelines (Department of Health and Human Services)
  • Or you can use the Federal Poverty Level Calculator
Medicaid/Medicare Made Easy: Get the Coverage You Need Now


Our agents are ready to ask the right questions to help you get the best coverage at the best price. Request a proposal now.

Excellent Service

“Tanana Immigration and Translation have been very useful and helpful to me. They literally are the only reason I was not deported back to Nigeria when my green card expired. All my savings and education were on the line; but due to the intervention of these guys, I was able to sail through. Thank you so much guys. I appreciate you, and I highly recommend your services to my friends and family members.”

C. Ruberte
