Master Your Credit and Take Control of Your Financial Future

There’s no denying the fact that taking loans is part of our existence today, and the best we can, (and should) do is to become accustomed to it. From your lenders, your landlords, every financial institution, to your friends and family members, all of them want to know what your financial profile is like before they can have the nerve to give you a soft or hard loan, depending on the amount you are asking for. 

Even if we were to flip the coin, and you become a lender, you also will like to make decisions based on the financial history of whoever you are about to lend money to. It is common sense to check people’s credit score before entering into any short or long term agreement with them.

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Maximize Your Opportunity with Tanana & Sons

The better your credit score, the more opportunities you have with your potential lenders/creditors. No matter how promising your business idea is, no bank will fund your idea if your credit score is bad. Even your closest friends and family members will think twice before lending you money if your credit score is not so presentable. Therefore, the importance of having a good credit score cannot be overemphasized. 

We are humans, and we make mistakes. If you have made some financial decisions in the past that hurt your credit score, we have the remedy for that. At Tanana & Sons, our mission is to help you repair your credit score so that you can maximize your opportunities for taking loans.

Contextually, What is Credit Score Repair?

Any activity we take to correct inaccuracies on your credit report is referred to as credit repair. Credit reports are frequently quite inaccurate. Credit reports are created by people using algorithms and computer tools. And we are all aware of how unreliable these things may be. Your chances of being approved for credit will be greatly increased once the inaccuracies in a credit report have been fixed. 

Why You Should Improve Your Credit Score

With the world’s frail economy further plunging into an unavoidable recession (thanks to the lingering effect of the pandemic), credit is less readily available and is even expected to become much more expensive and difficult to get as time goes on. 

Therefore, only those with stronger credit scores will have access to good credit, potentially leaving others with low credit scores to their fate. The greatest approach to prepare yourself for this challenging financial period is to improve, or repair your credit score. What used to be considered a good credit score years ago is now a red-zone area for creditors and lenders today.

The good news is that people in Michigan now have the chance to easily repair their credit scores, thanks to Tanana & Sons. We not only repair, but we also improve credit scores for those who are looking forward to dealing with bigger lenders and creditors in the future.

How We Do It

We start by addressing common errors that your credit report may have. These errors usually include: 

  • Payment entries that may have been marked as “missed” after consolidating all of your debts.
  • Accounts wrongly marked as “settled in full” instead of “paid in full.”
  • Older penalties still reflecting on your account even after crossing the 7-years timeline.
  • Settled debts with certain creditors not reflecting on your account.

After checking for, and addressing all these errors, we then proceed to check for inaccurate information on your credit report, such as wrong entry of name, wrong or invalid address, and transposition of figures like account numbers and transaction values. Of course, these are just the basic things that we do. We do more to repair and improve your credit score based on your unique circumstance.

Repair, boost and improve your chances for credit by repairing your credit score with Tanana & Sonstoday!


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Excellent Service

“Tanana Immigration and Translation have been very useful and helpful to me. They literally are the only reason I was not deported back to Nigeria when my green card expired. All my savings and education were on the line; but due to the intervention of these guys, I was able to sail through. Thank you so much guys. I appreciate you, and I highly recommend your services to my friends and family members.”

C. Ruberte
